It takes time, soul-searching, and some life experience to learn your true passions. These questions will tap into your wants, needs, desires, and fantasies. Have fun with them and discover what you can add to your life that will fill it with delight.
15 questions to ask yourself to learn your true passions
1. What’s missing from my life?
2. What’s the one thing I’ve always wanted to do?
3. If I could spend today doing whatever I desire, what would it be?
4. What do I talk about doing but never do?
5. How will I finish the sentence, “More than anything, before I die, I want to __________?”
6. If I were to make just one radical change in my life right now to make life better, what would it be?
7. Which people in my life inspire me and why?
8. Who are my biggest supporters?
9. Who gets in the way of achieving my goals?
10. Where do I really want to live?
11. Where would I like to visit?
12. What are the reasons I don’t go after my dreams?
13. What are the things in my life that I would like to get rid of?
14. How do I feel when I put all my effort into accomplishing one of my goals?
15. How do I feel whenever I achieve a life goal?
Meditation can also be helpful to your process of soul searching and discovering your true passions, so remember to download the FREE 5 minute “Too Blessed To Be Stressed” guided meditation.
Enjoy even more soothing guided meditations, 10+ hours of exclusive, relaxing meditative music, empowering affirmations, group happiness coaching, and other helpful resources to help you learn your true passions by joining Meditations, Music, & More.
Also feel free to contact me anytime for a private, complimentary happiness coaching session via email and for more personalized tips to help you learn your true passions and live a happier, healthier, less stressed life.
Happiness coach passionate about helping you live a happier, healthier, less stressed life. Also love meditating, blogging, recording voiceovers, singing, and writing great music. Dedicated to utilizing my talents to help make your day shine! Contact me at