Young woman meditating on the beachWelcome to my website! I’m Julie Kaylin, and as a happiness coach with a passion for meditation, music, and voice, my mission is to utilize my talents to help you live a happier, healthier, less stressed life. I hope you enjoy my blog, reading more about me, and learning how you can work with me directly.


As someone dedicated to helping everyone from all walks of life live a happier, healthier, less stressed life, my mission is to create products and services that can be understood by and are relatable to everyday people. Meditations are helpful for everyone, and I love helping people see that you don’t need to be a yogi, spiritual healer, or new age guru to enjoy and benefit from meditation.


Please contact me for more info about how I can help you with any of your happiness and stress relief needs, and melt away your stress in minutes by downloading my FREE “Too Blessed To Be Stressed” meditation!